Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Real People on the First Christmas

Have you ever stopped to think for a minute about how the Christmas story happened to real people like you and me?  We’ve all heard the story many times.  Mary is betrothed to Joseph and Caesar has ordered a census.  Now Joseph and the very pregnant Mary are trudging toward Bethlehem to be counted and taxed.  They are exhausted, tired and just looking for a place to sleep.  The innkeeper has no room but offers the stable to sleep in.  Joseph and Mary turn aside to the stable and stop for the night.  So it is that Mary gives birth to the Savior of the word in a stable, among the smell and sound of the animals.  She wraps Him in cloths and lays Him in one of the animal’s feeding troughs for a bed.  The shepherds watching their sheep are divinely interrupted by an angel and told about this miraculous birth. 

So, there is it is, one of the most awesome events in all history happening to normal people like you and I.  I wonder which character in the story you would be if you were there.  What if you were the shepherds?  Would you be excited about the news or angry your day was interrupted?  Would you even bother to go find the Savior?  All of us have these moments where God tries to break in and share Himself with us but the response is ours to control.  We can ignore Him or take what He says as the truth.  Which is your response tonight?

What if you were Joseph and your fiancé turned up pregnant?  Would you even have the fortitude not to disgrace your fiancé publicly but divorce her quietly or would you demand your rights and let happen what may?  After all there is only one way she could become pregnant, right?  God has a way of taking what we know and turning it on its head.  But, like He did with Joseph, He asks us not to be afraid and trust in Him.  Are you trusting in Him tonight?
How did Joseph feel knowing he had to settle for his wife giving birth in a stable?  I’m quite sure Joseph wanted a nice, warm, clean, comfortable room with a bed for his wife to give birth in, but it didn’t happen that way.  Did he feel like a failure?  Did he question his ability to provide?  Maybe you find yourself in Joseph’s shoes tonight.  Will you trust God to provide for your needs, even if it doesn’t look like it is happening the way you wanted? 

What if you were Caesar busy giving orders and thinking of all your tax money coming in when God is trying breaking through?  Are you completely unaware of what God is trying to accomplish in the earth?  In you?  Will you let Him breakthrough into your life tonight?

Perhaps you feel like King Herod.  Are you worried what will happen if you let Him take His rightful place?  Are you worried He will take control?  Will you lose the power you have over people if you let Him have His place?  He is asking for His rightful place in your heart tonight?  Only one of you can be in control.  Will it be you or will you let God in?

May I suggest you become like Mary?  Consider her place in the story.  She is an average person like you.  But God calls her highly favored.  God says He is with her.  At first this greatly troubles her, but she is told not to be afraid.  You have found favor with God.  Not because of anything you have done but because of whom God is.  God is with us.  This is the message of Christmas.  God sent His Son, Jesus to be born, to live and to die for you, a ransom for your sin, so you could be adopted into His family.  God gave you His Son, His best, the thing that cost Him the most, something He loves very much.  God was thinking about you when He chose to give you Jesus.  This gift of Jesus is just the right size, just the right color, just the right shape, its exactly what you wanted, even if it wasn’t on your list.  The Christmas Story is about God giving you His Son so your sin could be forgiven and you could become part of His family.  But you must choose to believe in Him – to receive Him as your own.  Mary made the choice saying “May it be to me as you have said.”  She received the gift God wanted to give her – His Son.  Tonight He is offering you the same gift – His Son.  God is offering you a future and a hope through His Son, Jesus.  He is offering a future filled with His Presence, filled with truth and simple trust in Him, a future full of hope – a place in His family, a place of significance, a place of love unending, a place for all eternity in heaven with Him.  He is offering freedom from fear, provision for life, the source of truth that can be fully trusted.  He is offering to take control.  Will you receive Him and follow Him or will you turn Him away?  Hope is within your grasp; just fully turn yourself over to Him. 

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